Tres de las principales organizaciones medioambientales del mundo comenzarán hoy una movilización masiva de sus 22 millones de seguidores para pedir a la presidenta de Brasil, Dilma Rousseff, que vete la reforma del Código Forestal aprobada por el Parlamento.
WWF, Greenpeace y Avaaz alegan que los cambios propuestos al Código Forestal amenazan el reciente éxito en frenar la pérdida de los bosques y los esfuerzos de compromiso para enfrentar la corrupción en la región del Amazonas.
Más de 1,3 millones de personas de todo el mundo firmaron ya la petición de Avaaz, <>, que pide a Rousseff el veto de la prevista reforma y se espera que el número aumente en los próximos días.
Al mismo tiempo, cientos de miles de seguidores de WWF y Greenpeace se hicieron eco del llamamiento en las redes sociales, como en #SOSBrazil o #VetaTudoDilma en twitter o con mensajes directos en el Facebook del partido político gobernante, el Partido dos Trabalhadores <> .
Rousseff aún no se ha pronunciado sobre si intentará oponerse a la medida aprobada el pasado 25 de abril por la cámara baja y anteriormente por el Senado. Los grupos alegan que sólo un veto total salvaguardará los bosques y protegerá a Brasil del cambio climático. Rousseff recibió el proyecto aprobado por el Parlamento esta semana tiene hasta el 25 de mayo para ratificarlo como ley o para vetarlo.
Aunque el texto definitivo aún no se conoce, ambientalistas consideran que concede amnistía a los responsables de tala ilegal y abre camino a más deforestaciones.
Brazil’s forest emergency – sign the Dilma petition today!
Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff has until 25 May to decide whether to veto damaging changes to Brazil’s Forest Code – changes that will reduce protections against deforestation in the Amazon and other areas and offer wide-ranging amnesties for illegal deforestation.
Please take action today by signing and sharing this joint petition from WWF, Avaaz and Greenpeace – show president Dilma how much support there is for her to veto the changes.
The proposed changes to the Forest Code threaten Brazil’s recent successes in reducing forest loss, and compromise efforts to tackle corruption in the Amazon region.
Only a full veto from the president will safeguard Brazil’s forests and the global climate. President Rousseff officially received the bill this week and has until 25 May to veto all or part of it, or to allow it to become law.
Already nearly 1.5 million people from around the world have signed Avaaz’s petition calling on President Rousseff to veto the proposed Forest Code – this number is expected to rise dramatically in the next few days.
Likewise, hundreds of thousands of WWF and Greenpeace supporters have echoed the call on social media channels such Twitter, using #SOSBrazil and #VetaTudoDilma, and by posting messages directly to the Facebook page of the president’s political party, Partido dos Trabalhadores.
WWF’s director general, Jim Leape, says: “Over the past decade, Brazil has achieved stunning progress in reducing deforestation in the Amazon. We recognise that President Rousseff is under massive political pressure from those who would burn the forest for short-term gain, but we urge her to stand firm for the protection of the forest resources that are so vital to the future of all Brazilians, and the world.”
If Ms Rousseff does veto the change – or any part of it – Brazil’s Congress will have up to 30 days to decide what to do. The Congress can still overthrow the president’s decision – although that would require the absolute majority of votes from both houses of parliament.
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